
MozillaCacheView 1.27

MozillaCacheView provides a simple set of tools to explore the history of the Firefox browser. While their disposition is disappointing mild, almost identical to its sister model ChromeCacheView, their results are definitive.

The interface will be immediately bored. This is a simple set of symbols almost incomprehensible that only for the fact that all the mouse-over tips, so you can understand what they do save. To explore will help you understand what everyone is doing little. On behalf of: You can select the cache folder, open the link "cached item in your browser, select copy, cache files to a new folder or delete the selected files. The next two buttons allow you to filter the cache and the filter, and we were surprised at how the filter.

You can also use objects, update the list so that you do not need the program to copy items to the clipboard, launch features new look, and perform a search. Research capabilities allow a more refined process of the filter. MozillaCacheView also offers shortcuts for all important functions and contains several predefined filters from the Options menu. Rabies, the programs are as ZIP and not an executable. The program is surprisingly strong, despite the lackluster interface and provides an excellent way to explore the light in your Firefox cache

Download MozillaCacheView 1.27
